AMP Music Summit

The AMP Music Summit was a one-day live event in support of musicians who are struggling during COVID-19. Well-known speakers and thought leaders in the music field led discussions on topics that brought the community together.

Crowley & Company offered a key role in the conversations by providing visual note-taking, also known as digital scribing. They listened to each talk and visually captured key quotes and stories. The notes were shared after each talk via social media and received accolades for helping attendees better remember what was said, as well as those who were not in attendance to get a taste of what was discussed.

Our digital graphic recorders were Alece Birnbach and Lauren Green.

Digital graphic recordings by Alece Birnbach and Lauren Green.

If how we worked with AMP Music Summit intrigues you and you would like to explore how we can support your  organization call us at +1 (724) 484 7400 or email us at 


American Youth Policy Forum


National Alliance on Mental Illness